When Kassim, a young man of 30, secured a job with United Bank of Africa (UBA) Sokoto, he and his family were full of hope for a bright and secure future.
Their joy was however short-lived as soon after, Kassim was struck with stomach pains which resulted into vomiting, prompting series of hospital tests which revealed a compromised liver.
His family, friends and colleagues at work rose to his aid through personal contributions and visits to him at the General Hospital Shika, where he spent about three months.

Even at that, his elderly father sold his only asset (a car) which he used for public transport services to cater for his family, to boost the pool of funds for his son’s drugs and hospital bills up till this point of his treatment.
But Kassim now needs an urgent liver transplant to arrest the devastating effects of the liver cancer which has since rendered him bed-ridden in pains and his family in despair.
The proposed transplant, which he needs urgently, is roughly estimated to cost #6 million.
This is therefore an appeal to the general public to kindly assist this family lessen the financial burden for Kassim’s continued treatment.
Additionally, we sincerely thank all those who have taken interest in Kassim’s case so far and responded positively through cash or kind. We pray that God rewards you and blesses your undertakings. (Ameen).
For verification/additional information, please contact Kassim’s anxious mother, Hajia Saude on 0803 968 4147.
Cash donations to his cause are welcome to be paid into his account, details of which are provided below:
Account Name: Kassim Abba Aliyu
Account Number: 0021616645
Bank: GTB (Savings).
We pray to God to ease Kassim’s pain, grant his family relief and spare us from trials that are beyond our capacity to bear, ameen.
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