Tomato juice prevents high cholesterol

Semiu Salami
Semiu Salami

Nutritionists said that drinking tomato juice could prevent high cholesterol, glaucoma and other ocular diseases. Tomato juice, which could be taken with other nutritious fruits, vegetable drinks, could also prevent inflammation of the joint.

It is also rich in fibre, which helps to break down bad cholesterol in the body, helps regulate bowel movement, prevents constipation and keeps the liver healthy and function well.

Drinking tomato juice regularly helped in preventing prenatal health issues and aided in the prevention of eye and cardiovascular diseases.

Some other benefits of tomatoes juice include the good effects it has in improving one’s appetite and aiding digestion. Tomato juice is recommended for people who are suffering from heart conditions or who are recovering from heart attacks.

Tomato juice also worked as a natural antiseptic and helped in guarding human body against any kind of common infections. “People who have kidney stones and gall stones should take it because it works as a natural antiseptic and helps prevent the body to develop common infection like colds and flu,” nutritionist says.

People suffering from kidney stones and gall stones should eat tomatoes without its seeds. It could be consumed by diabetic patient because of its nutritional, antioxidant and cancer fighting properties.

Tomato contains lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that protects against degenerative diseases and it and phytonutrient are found in red fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, pink grapefruits and watermelons.

Also, the lycopene in tomatoes is an effective tool for certain kinds of cancers which include breast, lung and pancreatic cancer. Women with high levels of lycopene had five times lower rate of cervical cancer than those with the lowest levels.

It helps in the prevention of skin breakout, reduces acne and gets rid of pimple infection fast.

Tomatoes were naturally rich in water and helped the body hydrated after a strenuous exercise. Other vitamins found in tomatoes juice such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and contained small quantities of vitamin B12.

Other nutritional contents in tomatoes included niacin, foliate, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. Eating a medium sized fresh tomato can provide a person with about 23 mg of its daily requirement of vitamin C.


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