APC Action Group restates commitment to lifting party morale

Semiu Salami
Semiu Salami

The Action Group caucus of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in Ekiti State has restated its commitment to bailing the party in the state out of doldrums and lifting the morale of party faithful, which has been at an all time low since the June 21, 2014 governorship election to an all time high.

According to the group’s spokesperson, Segun Dipe, APC Action Group was neither impetuous nor ambitious in its formation. Rather it came in response to the objective situation in Ekiti to address the post election trauma.

He said the group came as a pressure group within APC as a result of growing concerns that party leadership did not re-awaken the low spirit of members of the party, which went down after the unexpected defeat.

Dipe recalled how the party lost the governorship election despite all the advantages at its disposal, how the loss disunited the members, how the party leadership failed to summon a post election review meeting to know what went wrong and how the members who were in disarray could not be rallied together.

He said it was at that moment that the Action Group caucus came to the fray to boost the dwindling morale of members.

“The opposite of action is inaction.Progressivism and activism are what APC should be known for and these are what our group stands for. We saw the party in a precarious state immediately after the election.

“We called on our leaders to take action by reviewing the election, returning to the drawing table, calling members, telling them what went wrong and restoring them to a state of equanimity in anticipation of future elections, but no satisfactory response came from them. What happened next was that the APC lost the two subsequent elections to the amazement of the people all over the world.

On what the group has done since its formation, Dipe said the group’s efforts are supportive and not competitive. “We act as a fulcrum for the party,” he said, adding that never in the history of politics in the state has a single caucus within a party achieved what Action Group has achieved within a short time.

“We have woken up our party from the sleepy mode it went into after the ill-fated June 21 2014, we have re-awakened the spirit of progressivism within our party members, we have aligned with other groups to expand the APC frontier in the state, we have organised activities around the youths and the women groups, and we campaigned vigorously for party candidates in the last Senatorial, Reps and Assembly elections. We have also broadened a culture of debate which hitherto was stifled in the party ”

Despite not throwing up any aspirant from within the group to contest elections, APC Action Group, gave maximum support to all the candidates presented by the party, campaigned vigorously for them, gave financial and moral supports in a way no person or group within the party did in the state and restored the confidence of our members through various enlightenment programmes.

He said the State Governor, Ayodele Fayose has singled out APC Action Group for serial attacks because the caucus was the first to challenge his fascism and launch a blistering campaign to put a stop to his impunity.

“Yes, APC has now won at the federal level, but there is still much work to do at the state level to restore our credibility and resist the impunities of the PDP government. It requires commitment and call to action. Our caucus is at the forefront of ensuring that justice is not only done, but seen as done in Ekiti.

No longer should we wallow in self-pity or allow our members to be bullied by the fascist in power. Soon, very soon, the fate of the PDP at the centre will become the fate of the PDP in Ekiti State and we are much ready to work with other like-minds within our party to see this come to pass,” Dipe said assuredly.

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