6G evolution: prepare for opportunities, risks – NCC

Adebisi Aikulola
Adebisi Aikulola
Dr. Aminu Maida

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has charged industry players in the Telecommunication sector to anticipate and prepare for opportunities and risks associated with the evolution towards 6G technology.

Dr. Aminu Maida, Chief Executive Officer of NCC, gave the charge at the Telecomes Industry Risk Management Conference in Lagos.

NewMailNG reports that the conference’s theme is “Evolution And Future Risk Management in Telecoms Industry: Harnessing Emerging Technologies and Trends”.

“Let us not only address the challenges posed by current technologies but also anticipate and prepare for the opportunities and risks associated with the evolution towards 6G and beyond.

“Together, we can ensure that the telecoms industry not only adapts to change but thrives at the forefront of technological innovation,” Maida said.

In a rapid technological advancements era, the NCC boss said the telecommunications industry found itself at the forefront of innovation.

“It is shaping the way we communicate, connect and conduct business. As we navigate this dynamic environment, the need for effective risk management becomes increasingly paramount.

“Today, we stand at the crossroads of tradition and transformation, where emerging technologies and trends present both unprecedented
opportunities and challenges.

“While we discuss the current landscape of 5G networks, with increased connected devices and denser network infrastructure, it is imperative to even cast our gaze into the future,”.

NCC boss said Nigeria is witnessing the dawn of 6G technology, which is the next frontier in wireless communication.

He said it promises to have even faster speeds, lower latency and groundbreaking applications.

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