Corruption, not judiciary, under attack – Presidency

Friday Ajagunna
Friday Ajagunna
Garba Shehu

The Presidency has said that the ongoing siege on some alleged corrupt judges is indicative of the fact that corruption and not the judiciary that is under attack.

Presidential spokesperson, Mallam Garba Shehu in a statement on Sunday said “the Presidency assures that the President reserves his highest respect for the institution of the judiciary as the third arm of government. To this end, the President will not do anything to undermine its independence.

“President Buhari remains a committed democrat, in words and in his action, and will not take any action in violation of the constitution.”

He said the nationwide operation by the country’s secret police is only targeted at corruption and not the judiciary especially as the president remains a democrat both in actions and in words.

“The recent surgical operation against some judicial officers is specifically targeted at corruption and not at the judiciary as an institution.

“In a robust democracy such as ours, there is bound to be a plurality of opinions on any given issue, but there is a convergence of views that the country has a corruption problem that needs to be corrected. But reports by a section of the media are giving us cause for concern.”

“In undertaking the task of reporting, the media should be careful about the fault lines they open. It is wrong to present this incident as a confrontation between the executive and judicial arms of government.”

He also said that the DSS has assured the president that its operations are within the stipulations of the law.

“The Presidency has received assurances from the DSS that all due processes of the law, including the possession of search and arrest warrants were obtained before the searches.

“To suggest that the government is acting outside the law in a dictatorial manner is to breach the interest of the state,” he concluded.

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