Damagum-led NWC to lock out unconstitutional members from PDP NEC meeting

Friday Ajagunna
Friday Ajagunna
Umar Damagum

There is anxiety in the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) as it prepares for tomorrow’s meeting of the National Executive Council (NEC).

The division in the leading opposition party has deepened, following plans by the expanded decision making organ, led by Ambassador Umar Damagum, to restrict attendance to the constitutionally recognised members.

The purpose of the meeting is either to select a new national chairman to replace the suspended national chairman, Senator Iyorchia Ayu, or ask Damagun to continue as acting chairman.

Two camps, led by Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Minister Nyesom Wike and former Vice President Atiku Abubakar, are locked in a supremacy battle in the party.

Damagun, who is the Deputy National Chairman, is believed to be a supporter of Wike.

However, the National Publicity Secretary, Debo Ologunagba, confirmed the restriction to reporters.

But  loyalists of Atiku, who was the PDP presidential poll in last year’s poll, said there was no cause for alarm.

Miffed by the polarisation in the party, its House of Representatives Caucus, which has failed to take a position on the highest party position, called for an end to litigations as the baseline for genuine reconciliation.

Sources also hinted yesterday that PDP is in dilemma over the proposal for sanction on Wike, a PDP chieftain in the All Progressives Congress (APC), for alleged anti-party activities.

Following its weekly meeting Tuesday at the party secretariat in Abuja, the National Working Committee (NWC) announced that attendance at tomorrow’s NEC meeting will be restricted.

Ologunagba said in a statement that those who are not constitutionally recognized NEC members should stay away.

The statement reads: “The National Working Committee (NWC) of our great Party, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), informs all members of the National Executive Committee (NEC) that the 98th NEC meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 2024, will commence at 2pm.

“By this announcement, all NEC members are expected to arrive promptly at the NEC Hall of the PDP National Secretariat, Abuja for the commencement of the meeting.

“For the purpose of accreditation, only constitutionally accredited members of NEC will be allowed into the meeting. All members of the Party should please take note and be guided accordingly.”

However, former Special Assistant to President Olusegun Obasanjo, Chief Emmanuel Olusunle,  who is in Atiku camp, said neither Atiku nor his loyalists are bothered about the restriction.

He said: “A dominant character trait of Atiku Abubakar is that he is perennially non-plussed; if you were speaking to him in person, he would almost predictably be calm and smiling.

“The PDP is not the kind of institution that can be procured off store shelves like we procure beverages and similar things and no singular individual can warehouse a political party which has evolved over 25 years in his pocket.

“The PDP will come out of the forthcoming National Executive Committee, (NEC), much less rancorous than before.

Party sources said the outcome of the PDP National Caucus meeting will show the direction which the meetings of other organs will take.

 Reps’ Caucus fail to take position chairmanship

The PDP House of Representatives Caucus failed to take a definite position on the National Chairmanship during its meeting.

On the agenda of the pre-NEC meeting was a proposal to pass a vote of confidence on the Acting National Chairman, Damagun.

However, caucus members only resolved that members with cases in court that have prevented the emergence of a substantive National Chairman should withdraw them to pave the way for reconciliation.

The meeting, which was summoned by the Leader of the Caucus and House Minority Leader, Kingsley Chinda, was initially billed to take place in House Committee Room 301 but later took place at House Committee Room 414.

Sources at the meeting said pro-Wike legislators wanted to rally their colleagues to pass a vote of confidence on Damagun, but the plan failed

It was gathered that 60 lawmakers, who initially asked Damagun to resign as Acting National Chairman, threatened to disown the position of the caucus, if they went ahead to pass the vote of confidence on Damagun.

According to a source, the 60 legislators  maintained that the acting chairman should resign so that someone from the North Central Zone, where Ayu hails from, should take over.

Chinda said the caucus agreed to ask all party caucuses and other stakeholders to immediately withdraw cases pending in court that have hindered the party from producing a substantive National Chairman.

Chinda said the party leadership should embark on reconciliation.

He said: “The House Caucus agreed to call on all party caucuses, the Board of Trustees, National Executive Committee and the National Working Committee of the party to embark on reconciliation, with a view to resolving all litigations that are pending and have hindered the party in any way whatsoever from having a substantive national Chairman.

“We call on our leaders in the PDP to continue to demonstrate unconditional loyalty to the party and ensure that the party reclaim her pride of place, where she enjoys the position of the largest party in Africa and to take back the Aso Villa, which actually is supposed to be our birth right.

“For us, we are going back as we resume the session to commence a strong, virile and purpose driven opposition to give the people a voice in the parliament.

“We also called on the Senate Leadership to please take steps to recall our colleague and senior brother, a veteran politician, and parliamentarian per excellence, Abdul Ningi.”

PDP in dilemma over Wike

The PDP is in dilemma over the proposed sanction for Wike over his tacit support for the APC in last year’s poll and setting up of caretaker committees for 26 states.

Atiku had tactically pushed for sanctions for Wike, other G5 governors and their loyalists who were suspected of mobilising for President Bola Tinubu during last year’s presidential poll.

He said: “We should all feel genuinely concerned that someone desecrated the PDP constitution and practically sold out PDP for another party’s interests, but because he is in position to parcel out generous monetary gifts, some people are making the mistake of condoning such bad example for younger party members.”

However, a source said that Wike’s supporters are confident that there will be no sanction.

He said: “The FCT minister has a special ‘working relationship with Damagun,  who does not pretend that he is not beholden to Atiku at all. Also, the party’s National Secretary, Senator Sam Anyanwu; the National Vice Chairman (South), Mr. Dan Orbih and others are believed to be on the side of the FCT Minister.

“While Atiku camp has pushed for sanction, Damagun has always defended the Minister.

“At the August 2023 meeting initiated by the Atiku camp with a plan to suspend Wike, when it was Damagum’s turn to speak, he pointed out that apart from Wike who accepted  aministerial position, PDP governors also accepted President Bola Tinubu’s offer of 10 board appointees each from their various states.

“Things became complicated because no decision could be taken without the governors’ endorsement and the issue of sanction was abandoned. “

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