Delta community deserted, residents flee home over killing of soldiers

Felix Aikhojie
Felix Aikhojie

Following the murder of soldiers by irate youths in Okwuama community in Delta state, the area has been abandoned as residents fled the Island community en masse for fear of retaliatory attacks.

A source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said residents, including women, children, and the elderly, had left the community for fear of possible retaliatory attacks by the military.

NewMailNG gathered that many houses have been burnt down by unknown persons.

No fewer than twenty houses have been burnt according to the source.

It is not clear whether the indigenes of the community fled before the attack on their homes by soldiers.

The source said that with the crisis, Okwuama indigenes are unlikely to seek refuge in Akugbene, Bomadi, or Gbarogolo neighbouring which are mainly Ijaw speaking communities, but maintained that they may have relocated to their ancestral home in Okwagbe, Ughelli South LGA.

It was learnt that Okwuama indigenes fled in boats along the Forcados River to Okwagbe community in Ughelli South LGA.

NewMailNG also learnt that there is a strong military presence in the community, restricting access into the community.

It will be recalled that troops of 181 Amphibious Battalion, Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State, while on a peace mission to Okwuama community in Bomadi LGA of Delta State, were surrounded by some community youths and killed on Thursday, March 14.

The incident, it was learnt, occurred when the troops responded to a distress call after the communal crisis between the Okwuama and Okoloba communities, both in Delta State.

The reinforcement team led by the Commanding Officer was also attacked, leading to the deaths of the Commanding officer, two Majors, one Captain and 12 Soldiers.

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