Gov. Makinde’s victory God-ordained, says Bishop Wale Oke

Gov. Seyi Makinde

Bishop Wale Oke, the President and founder, Sword of the Spirit Ministries, Ibadan, says the victory of Gov. Seyi Makinde of Oyo State at the Governorship Election Petition Tribunal is a further testimony of God’s ordination of his election.

Oke, in a congratulatory message made available to the News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) on Tuesday in Ibadan, said Makinde’s victory was a true reflection of the peoples’ wish in the state.

NAN recalls that the three-member tribunal led by Justice Muhammed Sirajo had on Monday dismissed the petition filed by Chief Adebayo Adelabu, his All Progressives Congress opponent in the election, for lack of merit.

Oke urged the governor to use every day of his administration in serving the people of the state and God.

“I congratulate the governor on the victory. This should serve as the needed tonic and impetus through which the state and its people could further be lifted to lofty heights by Makinde and his team.

“This passage and phase are not just by mere coincidence. God has so appointed you, Gov. Makinde, to fulfill His purpose of bringing succor to the state and its people at this point in time.

“The by-product of this should be enduring. It’s a special grace. You have started well and we pray you berth successfully,” he said.

Oke called for continuos prayers and support for the Makinde-led administration in the state, urging the people to always be law-abiding so as to ensure development of the state as envisioned by its founding fathers.

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