Group purchases APC nomination form for Obaseki

Friday Ajagunna
Friday Ajagunna
Gov. Godwin Obaseki

The Obaseki Mandate Forum, a pressure group, has purchased the expression of interest and nomination forms for Godwin Obaseki, governor of Edo, for the governorship primary of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

At a news conference on Wednesday, Nathaniel Momoh, the forum’s chairman, said the group has confidence in the governor.

The ruling party has fixed June 22 for selecting its candidate in the governorship election scheduled for September 19, 2020.

Momoh said the people of Edo, both at home and in the Diaspora, raised the money used in purchasing the forms.

“Our friends in the media, it would amaze you to know, that the N22.5 million for the purchase of this forms was sourced from like minds who have the enthronement of good governance,” he said.

“As well as focus on people’s welfare and infrastructural development in Edo since the coming on board of our dynamic, focused and dedicated Gov. Godwin Obaseki.

“We are confident that the will of the people will manifest in an unmistakable term on June 22, when our party conducts its primary for the standard flag bearer in the governorship race. We are convinced that no other name among those whose names are being touted qualifies as the incumbent and performing Gov. Godwin Obaseki.

“We are optimistic that his pedigree will make him emerge winner to lead the party to the democratic contest in which he will again emerge winner to continue to boost the state revenue and infrastructure.”

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