Hajj 2024: Three Nigerian pilgrims found after going missing in Saudi Arabia

Usman Abdullah
Usman Abdullah

Kebbi government officials (KGOs) say they have rescued at least three missing Nigerian pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.

The KGOs are state-sponsored pilgrims who perform Hajj, while also providing assistance to other pilgrims when needed.

Nasir Idris, a member of the KGOs, said they had rescued a woman from Kamba LGA in Kebbi.

Idris, who is the executive director of the Kebbi branch of the Women’s Right Advancement and Protection Alternative (WRAPA), said a lady missed her way and ended up behind Al-Masjid Al-Haram. “As KGOs, we have to intervene and redirect her back home through a taxi service,” he said.

Idris said the KGOs assist pilgrims with translation services, while acting as intermediaries due to the language barrier.

He said the KGOs offer valuable suggestions to committees to ensure a successful Hajj exercise and provide assistance to all Nigerian pilgrims in need.

“We recently rescued two women from Bauchi State who missed their way to their hotel, but the quick intervention of the KGOs led them to their hotels without any difficulty,” he added.

“They should always be cautious when spending their basic travel allowance. They should also be routinely asking the clerics for guidance on the proper Hajj rituals for them to perform an acceptable Hajj.”

The executive director added that KGOs will continue to provide humanitarian services throughout the Hajj operation, appealing for pilgrims’ support and cooperation to ensure a successful exercise.

Since the start of the 2024 Hajj, the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) has reported the death of two pilgrims who hail from Kebbi state. 

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