I can’t be kidnapped nor assassinated – Oluwo

Akinade Feyisayo
Akinade Feyisayo
Oba Adewale Akanbi

As traditional rulers become targets of kidnapping and assassination, the Oluwo of Iwo, Oba Abdur-Rasheed Akanbi has disclosed that no one dares to either kidnap or make him a target for assassination.

The monarch also disclosed that traditional rulers, especially in the southwest, cannot continue to rely on ancient gods for safety but should look up to God as their protector.

Speaking with newsmen at his palace in Iwo on Wednesday, Oluwo said the continued reliance of traditional rulers on deities would not guarantee safety but would bring dishonour to the thrones.

According to him, traditional institutions in Yorubaland must realize that they represent God on earth, not deities on ancient gods; hence, they must return to God for safety and protection.

“I am telling you right here that no one would dare attempt to kidnap or mark me for assassination. I am covered by God’s protection, not any deity or gods. I am using this opportunity to call on my colleague monarchs to stop putting their hopes on deities and return everything to the almighty God whom they represent.

Reacting to economic hardship in the country, Oluwo charged Nigerians to hold their governor’s and lawmakers responsible, as the income generated as a result of the removal of subsidy is shared as allocation to governors and constituency projects by lawmakers.

He berated the governors and federal lawmakers for not making life easier for the people in these difficult times, stressing the need for the government to introduce capital punishment for corruption if it is sincere to curb the menace.

His words: “The steps that this new government is taking are right. Money can’t get to Nigerians except through their governors, senators, House of Representatives, and others. Revenue going to states and others is unprecedented in the history of this country.

“Let’s show love to each other. Let’s help each other. Money accruing to the federal government after fuel subsidy removal is being shared by all tiers of government in Nigeria. Why are people now becoming poorer? Why are Nigerians hungry? There should be meetings at the federal level where questions would be asked about how resources are going to other tiers of government.

“A state in South South was said to have received over N437 billion between now and when the subsidy was removed. Yet people are still hungry. All elected and appointed political officeholders are getting money, yet people are hungry.

“I feel they are covering each other. Mr. President should tell them the truth and ask them to use the available funds to ease the economic woes of the people. Corruption is treason, and to put an end to it, death penalty should be the punishment for graft.”.

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