I didn’t call for Yari, Matawalle’s arrest – Ozekhome

Friday Ajagunna
Friday Ajagunna
Mike Ozekhome

Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Mike Ozekhome, has disclaimed media reports crediting him with calling for the arrest of former governors Abdulaziz Yari and Bello Matawalle of Zamfara State.

In a statement on Sunday, Ozekhome said the story titled, “Why has EFCC not arrested Yari and Mattawale Bello despite similar court order”, published in an online platform was not made by him.

“My attention has just been drawn to the above disturbing and shocking piece of trash allegedly authored by me. I did not, never did, nor will I ever contemplate spewing out such odious inanity and banal statements devoid of common sense and reasoning.

“The above writeup ascribed to me is a lie from the pit of hell. How can I, Matawalle’s friend and lawyer of many years, utter such nonsense? How could I be linked with a statement suggesting meddling into a matter that is subjudice; or media trial, ad homine application of laws; or conviction before trial, when the whole world knows me for preaching and writing human rights, due process democracy and good governance for over four decades?

“I hereby wholly denounce the write-up. I also hereby humbly urge members of the public to ignore the statement and its banner headline, all of which are utterly false, baseless, unfounded and simply idiotic.

“They constitute nothing but hallucinations from the fertile imagination of the writer. Such statements are spewed by faceless, idle internet crawlers that Nobel laureate, Prof Wole Soyinka, once historically described as “millipedes of the internet.”

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