The Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Adm. Ikot Ibas on Friday night said that insecurity would be brought under control in the country.
Ibas gave the assurance while making remarks at the Christmas carol night organised by the Naval Officers Wives Association (NOWA) in Lagos.
The carol night is part of the ongoing celebration of the 50th anniversary of the association.
Ibas said: “Some of the ills we have in our country are because of loss of family bond; children are easily recruited by those that want to destroy our nation.
“Nigeria belongs to us and we must do everything possible to keep it.
“We have our brothers and sisters in the North East, Niger-Delta and South-East where trouble is going on.
“We must pray for them. Insecurity will be brought under control.”
In her opening remarks, the National President of NOWA, Theresa Ibas, said the carol service was one of the most potent images of Christmas, which when reflected upon, left happy thoughts.
The wife of the naval chief said that the spiritual significance defines God’s love in the immaculate conception of Christmas.
According to her, NOWA, every December, celebrates carols in unique style, which brings every family together to appreciate God’s love for mankind.
She said that this year’s edition was, like others, interesting, with contemporary tunes.
The carol service was held at the NNS Quorra Auditorium, Naval Base, Apapa.
Carols were rendered by the NOWA Nursery and Primary and Secondary Schools and NOWA, among others, while a Steel Band from Navy Secondary School, Ojo, also had a performance.
The carol service attracted naval personnel as well as their family members and friends.
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