Kano governor’s aide arrested over diversion of food palliatives ‘meant for PWDs, widows’

Abu-Bakarr Jalloh
Abu-Bakarr Jalloh
Gov. Yusuf leads others to Kano-warehouse

The Kano state government says it has discovered a warehouse filled with diverted food palliatives.

Tasiu Al’amin Roba, a senior special assistant (SSA) of the governor, has been arrested by the Kano police command in connection with the diversion of the palliatives. 

The SSA and Abdulkadir Muhammad, his alleged accomplice, are expected to be transferred to the criminal investigation department (CID) for further investigation.

Abba Yusuf, governor of Kano, led government officials and journalists to the warehouse at Sharada Industrial Estate on Saturday.

The governor, who said the culprits would be punished, directed the commissioner of police to take over the warehouse and conduct an investigation to identify all the suspects.

While briefing the governor during the visit, Rabiu Amour, a community leader, said thousands of bags — branded with the governor’s portrait and designed as palliatives — were discovered to be repackaged.

“We know these food items are meant to be distributed to less privileged people, therefore we decided to make a whistle blow. This is our contribution to the good efforts of the governor, he is trying his best to help the downtrodden but some people within the system are sabotaging him,” Amour said.

Danjuma Mahmoud, the agriculture commissioner, said the food items were meant to be distributed to persons with disabilities (PWDs) and widows of deceased members of the armed forces and other security agencies. 

“You will recall that after the official unveiling of the distribution of food items meant for the less privileged as palliatives to crush the impact of fuel subsidy removal, the government later set aside another large portion of the palliatives specifically to be distributed to people with special needs like in the society,” Mahmoud said.

“Besides people with special needs, the last round of palliatives were also meant for families and widows of members of the armed forces, the army,  navy, airforce, police, and that of the sister agencies like immigration, prison services, customs, civilians defence, road safety, and Hisbah vigilante.”

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