No plan to dump APC for any party – OSOBA

Semiu Salami
Semiu Salami
Olusegun Osoba

A former governor of Ogun State and national leader of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Olusegun Osoba, has said his faction of APC in the state would not dump the party for either the Unity Party of Nigeria, UPN or any other political party.

This came as he raised the alarm that the delegates list for the national convention was being doctored to favour some candidates, vowing not to be part of the arrangement.

Osoba, who spoke during a stakeholders’ forum at his Ibara residence at the weekend, however insisted that the inauguration of a faction loyal to Governor Ibikunle Amosun was no news to him.

“They said we are going to UPN, we are not going anywhere, and there is no cause for alarm. I want to appeal to you to be calm, resolute, focused and determined. This is a political war. We are not riggers.

“Those who rigged in the past, where are they today? We do not join party that rigs, we will never be part of rigging. The results were written outside the venue of the congress and they were still adjusting the result up till tomorrow. They are still changing national delegates, we are not going to be part of the game.

“What I am going to be doing now is closed-door meeting with you. What I say is that I am not going to grant public interview, no more media interview. What we will do now is serious work, series of consultations, united, togetherness because we had been through this many times and we triumphed.”

On the inauguration of Governor Amosun’s faction, Osoba said “you are the original contestants; you are the ones that paid N18.8 million into the account of APC in Abuja. We are the only state that complied fully with the APC guidelines. We have the teller numbers, date of payment, time of payment and location. After collecting the money they still did this to you. I did not support it, blessed be their judgment.

“Even, if they want to return the money, do not collect it. We are not hungry. They said all of you that paid lost the election. Is it possible for someone who did enter for an exam or who never accepted an entrance form to pass an exam?

“Those who say we should go to court, I said no, we will not go to court. We are not going to court at all, because, we are responsible party men, because, the party says exhaust all the rights in the constitution, they did not allow us to apply the right before the judgment was delivered.

Meanwhile, the faction loyal to Governor Ibikunle Amosun has fixed today for the inauguration of its state executive.

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