Presidential election dispute: PDP, LP adopt final written addresses on Tuesday

Friday Ajagunna
Friday Ajagunna

NewMailNG gathered that the court’s Registry has since issued out notice to that effect to parties through their lawyers.

The first of the two petitions is the one, marked: CA/ PEPC/03/2023 filed by the candidate of the Labour Party (LP) in the last presidential election, Peter Obi and his party, while the second, CA/ PEPC/05/2023 is that filed by the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar and his party.

Both sets of petitioners are among others, seeking the nullification of the victory of President Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress (APC), with each praying to be named the winner or for a rerun to be conducted.

Parties have since filed and exchanged their final written addresses, with the last being Tinubu’s reply filed on July 24 to the final written address earlier filed by Atiku and the PDP.

Obi and the LP called 13 witnesses, tendered volumes of documents and closed their case on June 23.

Atiku and the PDP called 27 witnesses, tendered volumes of documents and closed their case also on June 23.

In relation to the petition by Obi and his party, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) called one witness, tendered some documents and closed its case on July 4.

It closed it case, with the same witness on July 3 in the petition by Atiku and the PDP.

Tinubu, Shettima and APC closed case in both petitons on July 5. Tinubu and Shettima called one witness and tendered documents, including certified true copies (CTCs) of the President’s academic records from Chicago State University and evidence of his many trips to the United States.

APC did not call any witness in its defence in both petitions but tendered documents, including court judgments.

The three respondents urged the court to dismiss both petitons, the petituoners having failed to establish their cases with credible evidence.

Earlier on July 14, parties in the petition by the Allied Peoples Movement (APM) adopted their written addresses following which the court reserved judgment till a later date.

The Presiding Justice of the court, Justice Haruna Tsammani hinted that judgments in the three petitions will be delivered on the same day.

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