Sit up or resign to save party from collapse, Clark writes PDP Ag National Chair

Friday Ajagunna
Friday Ajagunna
Edwin Clark

Former Federal Commissioner for Information and South South Leader, Chief Edwin Clark has written to the Acting National Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, Amb. Umar Ililya Damagum to as a matter of urgency, sit up, or do the needful by resigning from the position in order to save the party from collapsing on him.

Clark, who described last week’s National Executive Committee, NEC, as a charade and a proof of the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory Administration, FCTA, Nyesom Wike’s strange hold on the party, said that NEC members at the meeting showed what he described as obvious weakness by allowing Wike to bamboozle everyone in the meeting as no one was ready to speak truth to power.

In a letter to the Acting National Chairman of PDP, the Leader of Pan Niger Delta Forum, PANDEF who accused Damagum of engaging in anti-party activities, especially in his activities in Rivers State, said that he was working for and taking instructions from Wike in his activities in Rivers State.

The letter dated April 24, 2024 and made available to Journalists yesterday in Abuja is titled, ” Open letter on the outcome of the Charade National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP: A prove of Wike’s strangle hold on the party.

According to Clark, it is alleged in some quarters that Wike is very instrumental to his being appointed the Acting National Chairman and he therefore recognises Wike as your “boss, adding that it appears to some people that Wike played down the powers of NEC.

Clark said that It does also appear that the party’s National Working Committee (NWC) is made up of Wike’s men, which include the Acting National Chairman, the National Secretary, the National Publicity Secretary, and some leaders such as Chief Dan Orbih, who, unfortunately, he said, is not a cheap copy of the old block of his father, late Chief MCK Orbih, a great politician whom they were all together in the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) in 1979.

The elder statesman said, “Firstly, let me apologise should this letter cause you any form of embarrassment because we have never met nor spoken to each other before. However, I have followed your activities since you took over as the Acting National Chairman of the PDP.

” I issued a press release on the eve of the just concluded NEC meeting of your party, which had not been held for a very long time, saying that except some courageous and bold actions are taken at the meeting, the party will collapse.

“Unfortunately, my sense of foreboding was confirmed by the actions and inactions of the PDP NEC during the meeting, because at the long-awaited meeting, there was a deliberate attempt to avoid the very serious issues plaguing the party, including those expressed by various stakeholders, such as the sixty (60) Members of the House of Representatives.

“The NEC showed obvious weakness by allowing Mr. Nyesom Wike to bamboozle everyone in the meeting. No one was ready to speak truth to power. Therefore, emphasis was put on the reconciliation committee and not on the disciplinary committee, which was earlier set up under the chairmanship of His Excellency, Emmanuel Udom, the immediate past governor of Akwa Ibom State.

“It was therefore, unfortunately, Wike’s day, and a confirmation of Wike’s earlier claim that the PDP approved his joining President Tinubu’s cabinet as Minister. One wonders the sincerity of the PDP when they criticise and condemn some of the policies of the government at the centre, when their “strong man and financier,” Nyesome Wike, is a major player in the government of President Tinubu. Especially, when viewed against the back drop of his leading the 7-man Caretaker Committee of the APC in Rivers State, led by his nominee, Mr. Tony Okocha.

“To imagine that the NEC and the NWC of the party, turned a blind eye to all that is happening in the PDP in Rivers State, because it is said you have a paymaster controlling you, is unbelievable. This is a clarion call on you, Mr. Acting National Chairman, to either sit up, or do the needful by resigning from the position, so that the party does not collapse on you.”

The Leader of the Southern and Middle Belt Leaders Forum, SMBLF, further said, “I listened very carefully to my most respected friend, Air Commodore Bode George’s, interview on television after the NEC meeting, and I laughed at the picture he painted of the PDP as a great party with wisdom. But with all due respect to him, I completely disagree with him. Of course, I know his position before and after the elections of 2023. At that time, he was one of us who believed that the presidency should be zoned to the southern part of the country. Bode George, no doubt, is sympathetic with the G5, headed by Nyesom Wike, on the strength that the north cannot produce the presidential candidate and, at the same time, the National Chairman of the party. I know that, as a party statesman, he would prefer a reconciliation of all members of the party.

“It is alleged in some quarters that Mr. Wike is very instrumental to your being appointed the Acting National Chairman, and you, therefore recognise him as your “boss.”. So, it appears to some people that the obvious role you embarked upon, playing down the powers of NEC. It does also appear that the party’s National Working Committee (NWC), is made up of Mr. Wike’s men, which includes your good self as Acting National Chairman, the National Secretary, the National Publicity Secretary, and some leaders such as Chief Dan Orbih, who unfortunately is not a cheap copy of his father, late Chief MCK Orbih, a great politician. We were all together in the National Party of Nigeria (NPN), in 1979.

“Mr. Acting National Chairman, let me outline some of your activities, which are viewed in some quarters as anti-party activities. For instance, in Rivers State, it is a well-known fact that Chief Wike had one trusted ‘brother’ in the State, and that is Siminalayi Fubara, whom he chose as Accountant General during his tenure as Governor of the State, to help him look after the monetary affairs of the State. This was December 23, 2020.

“You are also aware that Mr. Wike as a result was said to be exercising some strong control over the finances of Rivers State, both from FAAC in Abuja and the Internally Generated Revenue (IGR).

“In order to be in firm and total control of all, you are also aware that Mr. Wike bought forms for every contesting member of the party in Rivers State; right from the Governor to the members of House of Assembly including the members of National Assembly.

“No doubt, Mr. Wike did his best in keeping the party financially when the party was sailing topsy-turvy. He also majorly championed the course of Sim Fubara to become Governor of Rivers State, while other colleagues seriously opposed him. Mr. Wike was able to bulldoze his way through, and installed Sim Fubara as Governor. Having installed him, he gave him ‘directives’ on how to run the state. I also learnt that he entered into some agreements with him, which were not in the interest of the Rivers People. As a result of these secret arrangements between master and servant, all the appointments into Governor Fubara’s Government were made by Hon. Wike and this is a well-known fact all over the country. Mr Wike decided where and who the Governor should visit, who should and should not come to the Government House, etc.

He also contributed largely to the success of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu in Rivers State; for which he has now been compensated by President Tinubu as Minister of the Federal Capital Territory.

“Today, almost all the members of the G5 were not carried along by Nyesom Wike. Apart from Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, the others have gone into oblivion. In his usual selfish ways, he did not carry along with him the other members of the G5 and apart from Governor Makinde of Oyo State, the others have gone into oblivion.

“But by the grace of God, Governor Fubara is managing to disentangle himself from the chains placed on his feet by Mr. Wike and gain his freedom; and by extension, freedom for the people of Rivers State.

“Mr. Chairman, you are aware of the drama that took place in the Rivers State House of Assembly on October 30, 2023, where the house was factionalized; one group supported Mr. Wike while the other group was for the Governor. Those against the governor formed themselves into a force, and on the control and directive of their master, at an ungodly hour at about 7am, the members—about 23 of them signed the impeachment motion. These same members, led by the Speaker of the House, Martins Amaewhule, assembled on Monday, December 11, 2023, where they declared themselves to be members of the APC, singing President Tinubu’s song, “On your mandate, we shall stand,” and waving the APC flag.

“The other faction that did not defect elected Edison Ehie as speaker, and the members who defected were removed from office. They later went to court to confirm it. It happens that you did not view it on any TV station or read it in any newspaper. The 27 members of your party were in control of the House of Assembly and, in fact, the Executive, headed by Governor Sim Fubara. Your party was in power. We are fully informed that the defection from the PDP to the APC was carried out by Chief Nyesom Wike and yourself. One may ask further: Where were you when the PDP governors, under the leadership of Sen. Bala Mohammed, Governor of Bauchi State, pleaded with Mr. Wike to give peace a chance in Rivers State?

“The 1999 Constitution of Nigeria did not define what the quorum at the House of Assembly should be, and it is generally agreed upon by the majority of senior lawyers in Nigeria. The defection of the 27 members automatically meant that their seats in the House were forfeited. The defection of the members did not close the House down because five (5) of the members did not defect with them and remained members of the House. The Rivers State House of Assembly continues to function with an acting speaker, Edison Ehie and the rest is history.

“The Acting National Chairman of a party could not visit the State to find out what was happening.

The Rivers State Appropriation Bill 2024 was passed by the faction with the Governor and signed into Law by the Governor. It will therefore be a breach of the Constitution for the Governor to re-present the Appropriation Bill to none existing members of the Rivers State House of Assembly. Of course, you are aware it is unconstitutional and this matter of the presentation of Appropriation Bill has several cases in court and it will be improper for Governor Sim Fubara to disobey the constitution and the courts.

“At this juncture Mr Acting National Chairman, I repeat, one may like to know your reaction to the defection of the twenty-seven (27) members of your party who defected to the APC, even when their defection was supported by Mr. President. Take note, Section 109 (1Bii) of the 1999 Constitution as amended is binding on all Nigerians, no matter the position they hold. One would have expected you to take action to contact INEC to fix a date for an election but because you and your master Mr. Wike have set out to destroy PDP and the collateral damage caused is already affecting the unity of PDP.

“We are aware of the fact that Mr. Wike using you, muscled the legitimately elected Members of PDP in Rivers State with Chief Desmond Akawor as the State Chairman of PDP. Chief Akawor has now been appointed as Federal Commissioner representing Rivers State in the Revenue Mobilisation, Allocation and Fiscal Commission. Mr. Wike has refused to deal with the Acting Chairman of the State, Mr. Chukuemeka Aaron.

“The so called twenty seven (27) members who were members of the Rivers State House of Assembly until their defection to APC, have been seating, holding illegal meetings without mentioning APC or PDP. It is clear now that the so called twenty-Seven (27) members took court action against the National Assembly, the Governor of Rivers State and the former Speaker of the House of Assembly now Chief of Staff to Fubara; they were sued by the none existing House but in obedience to the President declaration in the 8-point pace deal, the so called House of Assembly refused to withdraw their actions while the Governor and the former Speaker, withdrew their defense which they had earlier filled as directed by Mr President leading to the Justice Omotosho’s Judgment which is currently being appealed against. In some quarters. The Judgement automatically made the Rivers State House of Assembly completely independent from other arms of Government. Which is unconstitutional.

“In all these issues, you remained silent, you refused to oppose and take any legal action against the new members of APC. Your Publicity Secretary merely made two (2) public statements and that was the end.

It could be recalled that it was the Labour Party in Ondo State that took a member of the Ondo State House of Assembly to court when he defected to ADC.

“The NWC and the NEC of PDP are fully aware of Wike using APC members to form the caretaker committee of the various Local Government areas in Rivers even though the existing members’ time was extended by the same party, PDP, for three (3) months; this has led to the Governor and well-meaning PDP members resisting this act and he is not aware that he is dancing naked in the market place. Mr Wike cannot, I repeat, eat his cake and have it. He is either a PDP man or an APC man. He must therefore be called to order.

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