Tag: abducted schoolgirls

Abducted Chibok girls risk organ failure –Experts

A Child/Adolescent Psychiatrist, Dr. Mashidat Mojeed-Bello, has raised the alarm that the

Semiu Salami Semiu Salami

Boko Haram kills 27 in fresh Borno village attack

The terrorist group Boko Haram has been accused of killing at least

Semiu Salami Semiu Salami

Government ‘ready’ for Boko Haram talks

Nigeria is ready to talk to Islamist militants Boko Haram for the

Semiu Salami Semiu Salami

Govt not negotiating with abductors of Chibok schoolgirls – Jonathan

President Goodluck Jonathan on Sunday dismissed insinuations that the Federal Government was

Semiu Salami Semiu Salami