Tag: Mele Kyari

Kaduna, Dangote, BUA refineries may source crude oil from abroad

The Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) may begin importation of 110,

Adebari Oguntoye Adebari Oguntoye

Kaduna refinery to be ready by Q4 2024, says Lokpobiri

Heineken Lokpobiri, the minister of state for petroleum resources (oil), says Kaduna

Usman Abdullah Usman Abdullah

CSO accuses defunct CNPP of being used to ‘blackmail’ Mele Kyari

The Coalition for Good Governance and Open Leadership in Nigeria, says a

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele

Warri refinery suffered fire outbreak, says NNPC

The Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) says a minor fire incident was

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

Nigeria ’ll become net exporter of petrol by 2024, Kyari insists

Nigeria will become a net exporter of premium motor spirit, petrol, by

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

No planned hike in petrol price at our retail outlets, says NNPC

The Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited says it has no intention to increase

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

Nigeria now second largest producer in Africa as oil output rises to 1.18m bpd – OPEC

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) says Nigeria’s oil production increased to

Adebari Oguntoye Adebari Oguntoye

Kyari, Ahmed shun probe on corruption in NNPCL, acquisition of OVH Energy

The Group Chief Executive Officer of the Nigeria National Petroleum Company Limited

Adebari Oguntoye Adebari Oguntoye

Crude oil production at 1.6m bpd, says Kyari

The Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited says Nigeria’s crude oil production

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

NNPC will sustain aggressive gas devt projects to achieve affordable, cleaner energy for Nigerians, says Kyari

The Group Chief Executive Officer of the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele