Tag: PDP

We won’t allow outsider impose next senate president, says PDP senators

The Peoples Democratic Party members in the Senate have asked their All

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

People rejected you because of your failed promises, Bala Mohammed hits Bauchi gov

Senator Bala Mohammed, governor-elect of Bauchi state, says the people of the

Suleiman Ibrahim Suleiman Ibrahim

INEC server: Secondus says Buhari, APC panicking over case at Tribunal

The National Chairman of the PDP, Prince Uche Secondus, has alleged that

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele

Bala Mohammed wins Bauchi guber race

The Bauchi state gubernatorial candidate of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP), Sen.

Suleiman Ibrahim Suleiman Ibrahim

Keyamo asks DSS to invite PDP leaders over ‘hacking of INEC server’

Festus Keyamo, spokesman of the campaign of President Muhammadu Buhari, has accused

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

Useni heads to court as INEC declares Lalong re-elected

Sen. Jeremiah Useni, gubernatorial candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in


Gov. Ortom promises more dividends of democracy in 2nd term

Gov. Samuel Ortom of Benue has promised to attract more development and


Benue APC rejects Ortom’s victory, heads to tribunal

The Benue chapter of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has rejected the


Tambuwal pledges continued people-oriented policies

Gov. Aminu Tambuwal of Sokoto State on Sunday assured the people that

Suleiman Ibrahim Suleiman Ibrahim