Tag: Senate

Yari writes senators-elect, urges support for Tinubu

Former Governor of Zamfara State, Abdulaziz Yari, and one of the frontline

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

Senate sets up panel to probe ‘unauthorised spending’ by NDDC

The senate has set up an ad hoc committee to investigate alleged

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

President Buhari writes senate, seeks confirmation of 12 nominees for North-east development commission

President Muhammadu Buhari has asked the Senate to confirm the appointment of

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

26 days to go: Outrage as Senate approves Buhari’s N22.7tn extra-budgetary spending

Prominent economists, Nigeria Employers’ Consultative Association and opposition parties took a swipe

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

Senate approves Buhari’s N22.7trn CBN loan request

The senate has approved the sum of N22.7 trillion that was spent

Muhammadu Buhari Muhammadu Buhari

Senate to probe passport issuance, renewal delay

The Senate has directed its Committee on the Interior to urgently investigate

Adejoke Adeogun Adejoke Adeogun

Tinubu rejects push to microzone Senate presidency to South South

The President-elect, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu has rejected a push by some

Adejoke Adeogun Adejoke Adeogun

Senate set to pass Atomic Energy Commission bill

The Senate is set to give legal backing to the Nigeria Atomic

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

Crisis looms in APC as calls for National Chairman’s resignation heighten 

Strong indications have emerged that ahead of the zoning of offices of

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

SERAP sues Lawan, Gbajabiamila ‘over failure to probe missing N4.1bn NASS funds’

Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP) has filed a lawsuit against the

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele