
Latest Foreign News

San Francisco crowdfunder Kiva sets up Sierra Leone credit database

Kiva, a San Francisco-based tech charity, is using blockchain to create an

Reuters Reuters

Ocean Viking rescue ship awaits port access in latest migrant standoff

Two charities running rescue missions in the Mediterranean Sea have said Italy

Reuters Reuters

Sudan’s ex-president Bashir arrives at corruption trial

Sudan’s ousted president Omar al-Bashir on Monday arrived amid heavy security at

Reuters Reuters

UK watchdog raised concern over Qatar-linked charity

The UK charities watchdog warned about the “independence” of a British organization

Reuters Reuters

U.S. President Trump does not want to do business with China’s Huawei

U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday said he did not want the

Reuters Reuters

Trump ‘not ready’ for China trade deal, dismisses recession fears

U.S. President Donald Trump and top White House officials dismissed concerns that

Reuters Reuters

Oil prices climb after Saudi oilfield attack, but recession worries drag

Crude oil prices rose on Monday following a weekend attack on a

Reuters Reuters

Zimbabwe police ban opposition protest planned for Monday

Zimbabwe police have banned an anti-government demonstration planned for Monday by the

Reuters Reuters

Gibraltar rejects U.S request to detain Iranian ship

Gibraltar has rejected a request by the US to again seize an


Nigerian, who swallowed 67 wraps of cocaine, jailed in UK

The Isleworth Crown court in the United Kingdom on Friday sentenced Samuel

Agency Report Agency Report