
Latest Foreign News

Hispanic backers move away from Trump after immigration speech

Some of Donald Trump's Hispanic backers are distancing themselves from the Republican

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele

Trump hovers over McCain, Rubio U.S. Senate re-election contests

Republican voters in Arizona and Florida are expected to pick Senators John

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele

Italy quake toll rises to nearly 250 as rescuers struggle to find survivors

The death toll from a devastating earthquake in central Italy rose sharply

Reuters Reuters

Gun, bomb attack on American University in Kabul kills 12

Twelve people, including seven students, were killed in an attack on the

Reuters Reuters

Irate Iran stops Russian use of bases

Iran said Monday that Russian raids on Syria from one of its

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele

Child suicide bomber kills 51 at wedding in Turkey

A suicide bomber aged between 12 and 14 carried out the attack

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele

Iraq hangs 36 over 2014 massacre of recruits

Iraq has executed 36 men convicted of taking part in the Daesh

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele

Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort resigns

Paul Manafort, campaign chairman for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, has resigned

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele

Mexican drug lord ‘El Chapo’ Guzman’s son abducted

A son of Mexican drug lord Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman was among

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele

American youths reject Trump – Poll

A report on Tuesday in Washington said majority of U.S. youths had

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele