
Latest Foreign News

Charles Taylor war crimes convictions upheld

A UN-backed special court in The Hague has rejected an appeal against

Semiu Salami Semiu Salami

Mugabe mocks US, U.K at UN Assembly

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe on Thursday berated the United States and former

Semiu Salami Semiu Salami

Zimbabwe poachers kill 80 elephants with cyanide

Zimbabwean ivory poachers have killed more than 80 elephants by poisoning water

Semiu Salami Semiu Salami

Kenya mourns mall attack victims

Kenya has begun three days of national mourning following the end of

Semiu Salami Semiu Salami

Kenya forces ‘storm Westgate centre’

Kenyan security forces appear to have launched an assault on the Westgate

Semiu Salami Semiu Salami

Kenyan deputy president wants ICC trial adjournment

Judges at the International Criminal Court will meet on Monday to decide

Semiu Salami Semiu Salami

Al-Shabab claims Kenya attack

A senior figure in the Somali militant group al-Shabab has told the

Semiu Salami Semiu Salami