Zakzaky’s wife ‘alive’ – Army

Friday Ajagunna
Friday Ajagunna
Sheikh Zakzaky

The wife of the leader of Nigeria’s main Shia Muslim sect is alive, the Nigerian army says, denying earlier reports that she was killed in clashes with the army in northern Kaduna state.

Malam Zeenat Ibrahim is in army custody with her husband, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky, leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria (IMN), it says.

The violence followed allegations that members of the sect had attempted to assassinate Nigeria’s army chief.

Speaking to the media, an army head in the Kaduna division, Maj Gen Oyebado, did not confirm or deny the death of Sheikh Zakzaky’s son, who the IMN had also said was killed in the clashes.

The army says members of the sect attempted to assassinate its chief of staff, Lt Gen Tukur Buratai, on Saturday when his motorcade was passing through a Shia procession.

But the IMN says the Nigerian army opened fire on their members, alleging that Nigerian soldiers killed at least 20 of its members in fighting at the weekend.

The Islamic Human Rights Commission said on Sunday that before Sheikh Zakzaky’s arrest, the military had parked two tanks outside his home.

Last year, three of Sheikh Zakzaky’s sons were killed in clashes between the army and pilgrims in a procession.

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