
Latest Foreign News

COVID-19: UK places travel ban on 11 African countries

The United Kingdom has extended the ban on travellers entering England to

Reuters Reuters

Biden speaks on invasion of US congress, says ‘Our democracy under assault’

President-elect Joe Biden says the American democracy is under “unprecedented assault”. Reacting

Reuters Reuters

Georgia Senate election: Democrats take control with Warnock and Ossoff wins

The Democratic Party of US President-elect Joe Biden has won control of

Reuters Reuters

Under heavy guard, Congress back to work after Trump supporters storm U.S. Capitol

Hundreds of President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday

Reuters Reuters

Certification of Biden’s victory on hold as protesters take over US congress

Thousands of protesters have stormed the United States Capitol as the certification

Reuters Reuters

Pence whisked away as protesters break into US congress over electoral votes

Vice-President Mike Pence was ushered out of the senate chamber on Wednesday

Reuters Reuters

Pence resists Tump’s pressure, says ‘I can’t reject electoral votes’

Vice-President Mike Pence says he has no authority to reject the votes

Reuters Reuters

US congressman contracts COVID-19 after first dose of Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine

Kevin Brady, a Republican member of the US house of representatives, says

Reuters Reuters

Biden selects Judge Merrick Garland for attorney general

President-elect Joe Biden will nominate federal appeals judge Merrick Garland to be

Reuters Reuters

‘We will not take it any more,’ Trump tells supporters as Congress meets to certify Biden win

Outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump addressed thousands of supporters, including members of

Reuters Reuters