
Latest Foreign News

Over 7,000 South African police officers contract COVID-19

A total of 7,021 South African police officers have tested positive for


In Ghana, 55 test positive for COVID-19 in high school after partial reopening

Fifty-five persons have tested positive for the coronavirus in a high school

Agency Report Agency Report

P&ID bribed government officials to secure contract, Nigeria tells UK court

The federal government says Process and Industrial Developments (P&ID) got the 20-year

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

Global COVID-19 tally nears 13m as WHO reports 230,000 cases in one day

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has reported the highest number of COVID-19

Reuters Reuters

President Buhari calls for operationalisation of common position on assets recovery

President Muhammadu Buhari has urged African leaders to ensure the immediate actualization

Friday Ajagunna Friday Ajagunna

US court orders Iran to pay $879m to 1996 Khobar bombing survivors

A US federal court has held Iran responsible for the 1996 bombing

Special Correspondent Special Correspondent

Asymptomatic, presymptomatic patients ‘transmit most COVID-19 infections’

Silent transmission could account for more than half of the COVID-19 cases

Reuters Reuters

90 percent of staff at Ghana education ministry contract COVID-19

Matthew Prempeh, Ghanaian minister of education, says over 90 percent of the

Special Correspondent Special Correspondent

UK visa application centres in Nigeria to reopen soon

The British high commission in Nigeria says work is ongoing to reopen

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele

Access Bank seeks to buy Zambian bank

Access Bank Plc has commenced an exclusive discussion towards full acquisition of

Kayode Ogundele Kayode Ogundele